
Psycho, but good looking.

Based on the novel Aerican Psycho by Bret Eston Ellis which sits rather high on many of the "most disturbing novels of all times" lists the movie is Tame in comparesion, however there are a few rather gut wrenching sceans in the film adaptation. Director Marry Harron made the right choice i think seeing how if she where to portray the EXTREME viloence that exists in the book this film would have easly earned itself a NC-17 rateing without a doubt, however in some regions it was anyway affaixed with this rateing. This movie is a very intersting look into the very heart of insanity. We follow a man by the name of Patrick Batemen (brillirantly protrayed by Christian Bale in some of his best work i have seen along with the remake of 310 to yuma and Public enemies) who dives deeper and deeper into his insane lust for blood throughtout the course of the film. The directing is nothing to rite home about tho is dose hold its own, while the acting is definatly something to get excited about. This film is very acted with William Dafoe as a ditective and Reece Witherspoon (and her chin) as the supposed Fiance of Patrick Batemen. The real gem here tho remains Christian Bale as he takes the role of a Totaly psychopathic killer who, other than that little perk is a totaly wealthy and sucesfull Investment banker. The role calls for the man to remain totaly disconected from emothion trought the entire time that he kills upwards of fourty people and i must say that Christian did a stunning job. This movie is very strange while being very viloent and quite disturbing (tho mostly implyed) the way that the main Character is totaly calm and detatched trough it all. This is a good movie and very intensely psycological, however i must say that the end realy brings no resalution and leaves you feeling a little bit empty witch if i had to guess is exactly the way the director, Marry Harrion and the qustionably insane writer Bret Eston Ellis, desired .


  1. Did you watch the UNCUT edition?!?! Would it be a LOT worse thant he "CUT" version?...I've always wondered that.

    But anyways, this is SO on my list to watch! Especially since he's "good looking...". :D


  2. Welll often times there are "uncut" versioson of movies that only cut out a few scenes however other movies can be more of a "Directors cut" in witch many of the scenes taht would othere wise be edited out or "Deleted" scenes are still in the movie, the way the Director thinks it shouldbe. so it would probably not be that much different perhaps a touch more viloent however i would venture to say that most of the scenes that where cut where those of dialoge :D :D
