
Like and Old Friend....

   The end of the world....A popular topic amoung film makers of our time. There are many differenty way portrayed in cinema today such as Cataclismic events in 2012...Giant Freezes in The Day After Tomorrow and last but not least alien apocalypse in the film up for inspection Independence Day. Written by Dean Devlin and Ronald Emmerich and directed by Rondald Emmerich a director who has much experience in the genre of Apocalypitc nature in fact has directe all of the movies listed above. I remember watching this movie when i was much younger and of course I loved it then, lots of killing, lots of epic explosions, and Will Smith. That was a never miss formula for me when i was younger, and watching it now these are many of the same reasons that I enjoy the film. I find myself very inpresed with the amount of convienceing special effects, seeing how this movie was made in 1996 it would seem that there would be some corny effects however i relize as i think about it that the year '96 brought us such gems as Michale Bay's The Rock, Brian De Palmas Mission Impossible, and Jan De Bont's Twister all of which have well done effects. So good visually and the soundtrack is what your would expect from a ninties blockbuster hit with lots of orcastrated music and dramitic builds, However now we must adress the acting. Independence Day has some well acted moments...as well as the complete contrairy with many corny one liners and just giggle worthy acting. Moments such as Bill Pullmans "Independence Day" speech (he plays  President Thomas J. Whitmore) redeem many of the films painfull one liners such as Will Smith's (Who plays Captin Steve Miller) "Now that is what i call a close encounter" which at the time in 96 may have not been a joke in it self but now just provides laughs. Despite the many chuckel worthy oneliners soild proformances are givin my most actors involved. And as im a sucker for most things with Jeff Goldblum signed on (have you seen his pecks) I must say between Bill Pullman, Randy Quaid, and him he acting is saved. I can totaly see why i dug this movie as a child and i can say now that i still am a fan, well done, deciently acted, good score, and verry cinematic direction. I can promise you that his will not be the last time in my life i say "hello old frind" to Independence Day.


28 Days...Then Weeks...Then Days??

I found my self greatly imersed in a film today...one that i honstly did not know much about, however what i did know was that said firm was in fact, a zombie movie. I must say i am a fan of the genre, however it is rare, (with the excption of the recent Zombie land which i highly recomend) that i find myself deeply engauged in a film of this type. Over the course of this film, between the quite disturbing and realistic "infected" and about twenty of them being chopped to bits by a hellacopter blade, i found my self genuine careing about many of the Characters. While i was rather impressed by the amount of well exacuted drama i also enjoyed the abilty of director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo to pick up on the feeling portrayed by the first movie in the series. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo has not made many movies that stick out in my mind as "gems" however he is signed on and in the pre-production phase of a film adaptation of the smash hit video game "BioShock" witch if done well could very well make his career. Juan Carlos Brings us an intresting style with many hand held or sholder mounted "shaky" cams much in the style of Paul Greengrass. A switch in Directors for a Sequel can often be a risky and damageing move *Cough..Saw Movies...Cough* espically when you go from a man like Danny Boyle (who made history with his Slumdog Millioniare) To a much less known artist such as Juan Fresnadillo. I must hand it to the men who made this risky discion that it was not a porr one and the feeling and integrty of the series remaind intact after the great switch. You must keep in mind that this is in fact a "Zombie" film no matter how well acted or truely dramatic it may be. Over all i feel compeled to say that i was a little comfused by the ending but over all 28 Weeks Later was a well directed and supreising well  acted fikm and worth the 100 minets.